Thursday, 20 October 2011
Tuesday, 18 October 2011
permission copy right for track
One of the requirements of the Advaned Production unit is that we seek permission for use of any music from the copyright holder. We fount out through google the name of the record company which holds the rights to the song Feeling Good by Muse, which is Warner Bros. We found out a form of contact and sent them this email:
To Whomever it may concern,
We are a group of A Level Students working on an A Level project for a qualification in Media Studies. We are writing to request permission to use the following track as part of this project:
Feeling Good by Muse.
With your permission the track would be used as the accompaniment to a short form video that is made purely for assessment purposes and will have no commercial usage. The video will be viewed only by members of the school community and the assessor of the examination board.
The artist and the copyright holder will of course be fully recognised in the pre-production and evaluation material that accompanies the project. We can also include a full copyright notice if required both in the planning material and on the video itself.
Yours sincerely,
Isabel Boddy, William Edgley, Abigail Douetil and Elizabeth Ward-Thomas.
Hurtwood House School.
To Whomever it may concern,
We are a group of A Level Students working on an A Level project for a qualification in Media Studies. We are writing to request permission to use the following track as part of this project:
Feeling Good by Muse.
With your permission the track would be used as the accompaniment to a short form video that is made purely for assessment purposes and will have no commercial usage. The video will be viewed only by members of the school community and the assessor of the examination board.
The artist and the copyright holder will of course be fully recognised in the pre-production and evaluation material that accompanies the project. We can also include a full copyright notice if required both in the planning material and on the video itself.
Yours sincerely,
Isabel Boddy, William Edgley, Abigail Douetil and Elizabeth Ward-Thomas.
Hurtwood House School.
Monday, 17 October 2011
Audience Feedback
- Heather Wilkins tells us that she likes the idea of our whole video because it is very different to the rest of the videos been made. However she thinks that there is to much violence going on towards the girls and not towards the man. So it looks like he is just abusing her rather than S&M. So she thinks that the girl needs to show her violent side. So she says that its really good, but there was just something missing and that was the thing that was missing.
- Holly Finely says that she likes the way it is disturbing and different because this will attract a wider range of audience by attracting their attension to the shocking things happening in this video and the difference of this video will get more people interested in watching it.
- Charly Manton says that he likes the way we have created a contrast between the lyrics and the mood of the song with the storyline. He says he likes the way we have created a different meaning to 'feeling good'. By showing the difference in how people relate their feelings of feeling good in many different ways. So he says that we have conformed to the unobvious by creating a storyline which does not go with the lyrics, however it does at the same time by showing a different way of people enjoying themselves and feeling good.

Friday, 14 October 2011
This is excellent work - there are evident clear accounts of your planning and research for your music video production day after half term. I like the way in which decision making is evident along with reflection and revisions. Your cast list has been agreed and you need to be working on the set design and organisation of production. There are one or two ways to develop the blog. First to begin using a wider range of blogging tools - there are lots of well presented images, but use of Flickr or powerpoint will increase the creativity that is shown on your blog. Second the valid, detailed and reflective comments that you make need to be developed further with key media concepts and theoretical ideas; for example, link the planning to star image, or how set design and lighting link to mise en scene and/ or what model's of lighting you are using in relation to your set - key, fill, directional, discuss the intensity and colour and what you are trying to represent about your artist. This will help make a more thorough evaluation of your work. Check your spelling on the blogs and the video of you constructing the animatic needs sound and/or a voiceover?
Well done.
Well done.
Thursday, 13 October 2011
Dans feedback
This image is showing the smoke going around the band. This is to represent a more dramatic effect once again. After speaking to dan the lighting and set design director, we decided to get a grubby, dirty hotel looking wall paper. We want to use this for both the performance and the narrative to show that both are in the same enviroment. We want to use this type of set design because we want to show the people and the band being in a home enviroment and this represent a more normal looking set, where something abnormal is going on in this place. An example of what type of wallpaper we want to use:
We may also rub some tea bags onto the wall paper to make it look older and even more messy. So this set represents the storyline by showing the messy stuff which is going on between the couple.
set and lighting design
In the first image, We are going to have a spotlight on the piano. This is because the piano is the focus of attention at this point. The rest of the band are going to be in the dark, but shown as figures, just to let the audience no that they are there. The band are still at this point. We are also having smoke coming down the spotlight to give it a more dramatic effect.
The second image is when a bright light comes on to show the whole band joining in. This is when the music tempo gets quicker and it is after the moment when the man kicks the chair over and leaves the girl hanging. So all the instruments are playing at this point.
For the narrative we are using Chiaroseuro lighting, which is bright lighting focused on the bodies of the characters within the scene. It blacks out everything in the background, which makes everything in the background look like a dark shadow. We chose to do this type of lighting for the narrative because it emphasises the feeling of them doing something wrong. However they are doing something that they think is right. It also makes the feeling of danger more clear. This lighting also focuses on the bodies of the people which shows what damage they are doing toward eachother.
We are also using Chiaroseuro lighting for this because the same type of thing is going on in this scene as the other scene. We want the lighting to be similar in both enviroments of the room with the band telling the story and the narrative. This is because we want to make it clear that both the band and the narrative are in the same enviroments. Here is an example of Chiaroseuro lighting:
Wednesday, 12 October 2011
Shooting schedule
9:00 Meet with cast members (performance) in studio
9:10 Start shooting performance. Play song on repeat and get all of the shots of the performance.
Start with Wide Shot of band.
Move onto Close Up of singer.
Mid Shot of singer.
Close Up of hands playing the piano.
Wide Shot of piano player.
Over the Shoulder shot of piano player.
Close Up of paino players face.
Shot of drummer from behind.
Mid Shot of drummer from infront.
Mid Shot of drums from the side.
Close Up of drummers foot.
Mid Shot of guitar.
Close Up of guitar.
Mid Shot of bass.
Close Up of bass.
Tracking shot from piano's feet on pedals slowly up towards his hands on the piano and face.
Shot with singer in focus and rest of the band out of focus in the background.
2:00: Meet with cast members (narrative) in studio.
2:10: Start shooting narrative.
Shot of guy grabbing nouse from table.
Shot of guy tugging on nouse.
Shot of guy hanging up nouse and tightening it.
Close Up of girl's head in nouse, smiling (creepy smiling)
Close Up of girl's head in nouse once it is 'tightened', she is pulling on it.
Shot from behind of guy tieing girls hands.
Reaction shot of girl whilst she is getting her hands tied, she has a smirk.
Over the shoulder shot of guy stroking girls hair.
Extreme Close Up of guy kissing girls legs on chair.
Mid shot of guy kissing and stroking girls legs whilst she is on chair hanging.
Shot of girl standing on chair, guy is shaking it a bit 'teasing'.
'Handheld' camera shot of guy kicking chair which girl is standing on, she is left to hang.
Close Up of girl fallen over on the floor holding her neck and breathing deeply.
Close Up of guy rolling out clingfilm from box - focus pull.
Shot of guy ripping clingfilm off in foreground with her in the background (out of focus).
Mid Shot of guy tieing girls arms around chair.
Close Up of girl's face with clingfilm wrapped around.
Mid shot of guy kissing girl whilst she has clingfilm on her mouth.
Mid shot from infront of her sitting down, him slowly beginning to rip off the clingfilm from behind.
Close Up of him ripping clingfilm off her mouth.
Shot of him pushing her off chair which falls to the floor along with her.
180degree tracking shot round the girl with guy standing next to her.
Tracking shot of guy wrapping clingfilm around girl's mouth.
Close Up of guy cutting rope.
Shot of girl falling to the floor from the rope.
Shot with camera placed on the floor (handheld) and girl lying on the floor hurt.
Same shot with camera on the floor but with him lying behind her.
Same shot again but with him rolling on top of her, they are looking into each others eyes holding hands.
Close Up of them looking into each others eyes, him on top of her.
Close Up of him holding her face, stroking her hair.
Shot of them rolling about angry with each other ripping each others hair etc, still from the floor.
Mid shot of her sitting ontop of him looking over him.
Tracking shot from floor (position camera has been in up to now) to them, her sitting on top of him, looking into each others eyes.
Close Up of their hands intertwining.
Close Up of his hand on her leg, caressing her thigh.
9:10 Start shooting performance. Play song on repeat and get all of the shots of the performance.
Start with Wide Shot of band.
Move onto Close Up of singer.
Mid Shot of singer.
Close Up of hands playing the piano.
Wide Shot of piano player.
Over the Shoulder shot of piano player.
Close Up of paino players face.
Shot of drummer from behind.
Mid Shot of drummer from infront.
Mid Shot of drums from the side.
Close Up of drummers foot.
Mid Shot of guitar.
Close Up of guitar.
Mid Shot of bass.
Close Up of bass.
Tracking shot from piano's feet on pedals slowly up towards his hands on the piano and face.
Shot with singer in focus and rest of the band out of focus in the background.
2:00: Meet with cast members (narrative) in studio.
2:10: Start shooting narrative.
Shot of guy grabbing nouse from table.
Shot of guy tugging on nouse.
Shot of guy hanging up nouse and tightening it.
Close Up of girl's head in nouse, smiling (creepy smiling)
Close Up of girl's head in nouse once it is 'tightened', she is pulling on it.
Shot from behind of guy tieing girls hands.
Reaction shot of girl whilst she is getting her hands tied, she has a smirk.
Over the shoulder shot of guy stroking girls hair.
Extreme Close Up of guy kissing girls legs on chair.
Mid shot of guy kissing and stroking girls legs whilst she is on chair hanging.
Shot of girl standing on chair, guy is shaking it a bit 'teasing'.
'Handheld' camera shot of guy kicking chair which girl is standing on, she is left to hang.
Close Up of girl fallen over on the floor holding her neck and breathing deeply.
Close Up of guy rolling out clingfilm from box - focus pull.
Shot of guy ripping clingfilm off in foreground with her in the background (out of focus).
Mid Shot of guy tieing girls arms around chair.
Close Up of girl's face with clingfilm wrapped around.
Mid shot of guy kissing girl whilst she has clingfilm on her mouth.
Mid shot from infront of her sitting down, him slowly beginning to rip off the clingfilm from behind.
Close Up of him ripping clingfilm off her mouth.
Shot of him pushing her off chair which falls to the floor along with her.
180degree tracking shot round the girl with guy standing next to her.
Tracking shot of guy wrapping clingfilm around girl's mouth.
Close Up of guy cutting rope.
Shot of girl falling to the floor from the rope.
Shot with camera placed on the floor (handheld) and girl lying on the floor hurt.
Same shot with camera on the floor but with him lying behind her.
Same shot again but with him rolling on top of her, they are looking into each others eyes holding hands.
Close Up of them looking into each others eyes, him on top of her.
Close Up of him holding her face, stroking her hair.
Shot of them rolling about angry with each other ripping each others hair etc, still from the floor.
Mid shot of her sitting ontop of him looking over him.
Tracking shot from floor (position camera has been in up to now) to them, her sitting on top of him, looking into each others eyes.
Close Up of their hands intertwining.
Close Up of his hand on her leg, caressing her thigh.
Costume for the band:
All of the band members are going to wear denim shirts to show a more indie/rocky look that we are going for. To complete this indie/rocky look all of them are going to wear black skinny jeans.

Costume for the two main characters:
Main man.
This is the only thing what the girl wears.We decided to put her in a long baggy top because we didn't want to conform to the stereotypical S&M lether and sexual outfits.
The girl with be pale with red lips and darkish eye makeup and the boy will be wearing nothing but underwear and jeans with dark eyes.
Costume for the two main characters:
The girl with be pale with red lips and darkish eye makeup and the boy will be wearing nothing but underwear and jeans with dark eyes.
Props and Costume
Props for the band:
Lead Guitarist
Keyboard player
Props for set:
Harness for the hanging.
Hanging rope, where the man ties the women up, then cuts her free at the last minute.
The chair where the girl stands on while her boyfriend is tieing her up. then this chair is kicked over and she is hanging.
The clingfilm wrapped around the girls face.
Dirty sheets to show a grubby place, and it goes with what the couple get up to. For example, their sexual violence.
Scissors to cut the rope when the hanging is going on.
Props for set:
Monday, 10 October 2011
Cast list and storyboard animation
- The opening scene may be a little bit too long, however this is a tracking shot, moving upwards so it will take some time.
- The order of this animation has reasured us that our storyline makes sense and that it works.
- This also makes it clearer towards the audience what is going on.
- This anamation will help us on the day of the shoot by letting us no what order we should film the video in and help us with our set and where we should place the actors and performers.
- Cast list:
2. Freddie Dixon - drums
3. Kyle Foreman - guitar
4. Connor Vickery - keyboard
5. Merlin-bass
6. Molly Astley - lead female actress
7. Jake Cecil ? - lead male actor
drafts of album cover
This is our chosen image for our album cover, however we may make some changes to this image, for example we will make the bands name "The Vibe" a bigger font to show their importance in the album cover. The title of the cover "Spanning Three Borders" will be put into a different order because of the way it is read as "Three Spanning Borders" instead of the actual name. The type of font we used for this image is "tape loop". We used this because it brings out a bold wonkey look to it. We want this type of font because it relates and goes with the image. For example, bold look represents the bold storyline behind the image.
We created this image by putting three images together as one and layering them into eachother on photoshop. I got an image of the pentagram, the hadron collider and Leonardo-da-Vinci. The reason behind these images was to create the meaning of "spanning three boarder".
With this image we deleted the red circle because it didn't fit well with our whole image.
Leonardo da vinci
Sunday, 9 October 2011
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