Friday, 24 February 2012

Task 4 media technology in the poster and digipak

For both the digipak and the poster we used Photoshop to make them look advertisable and professional. For the Digipak we chose images of each band members and put them together making the lead singer stand out from the rest of the band. We turned each image into black and white and contrasted each of them. To put them all into one image we cropped them and made them smaller to fit together and to look as if they are standing together in the image. For the back cover of the digipak, we got an image from Google images of hanging feet to represent the narrative of the music video. This is also where we put the text to show the information about the band, who they are signed to, about their background, their producers, etc. For this we contrasted it to stand out more. Because the image was dark we made the text white to make it clear to read. For the front cover, we made many draft to show how we got to the final draft. The front cover we used layering for three different images. We had an image og the pentagram, Leonardo Da Vinci, and the first image we put onto photoshop was the spanning three boarders.

Here is an example of what we put together:

After putting these images together we made the image brighter and then contrasted it. We then added text onto it showing the bands name and the title of the album. We also emphasised on the colouring of the spanning three boarders. the mountains and showed the image of leonardo da vinci as the main focus of attension.

here is the final image:

For the next inside page of the digipak we focused that on the lead singer of having an image of him standing alone in a dark background. For this image we brightened his face to give the image more emotion and to show more focus on him in the image rather than the background. we also contrasted his face to give this effect once again.

For the poster we had a range of images to pick from because of our shoot day where we took many pictures of the band together to give us more drafts to show a progression. Once we had picked an image, we turned the image black and white on photoshop and added text to it. We did this by using colour contrast and brightness/contrast to add on more effect towards the mood we are trying to represent. we then got an image off google of a best seller sticker and cropped it on photoshop to fit in the corner of our poster. After we did that we added on text from the text tool on photoshop to show the title of the album, the band name and the date of the release. The reason why we put this image into black and white was because we wanted to represent the dark feeling of the narrative in the music video.

pre-production task 4

The first thing we did before we shot our music video is create a storyboard to show a clear idea of what we were planning to do for our shoot day. We filmed this storyboard by putting it up again the wall and filming each scene in 10 seconds for each one. We filmed this with an NX5 camera and then put this onto the editing software 'Final Cut'. We then synced our storyboard to go with the music and put it onto our blog to show the steps of progress towards our final product. This helped us decide what to keep and what not to keep. This is because a storyboard is basically a draft of our actual music video and it shows what would fit and what would not fit. So all these media technologies really helped us through realising our mistakes early so we would not make them on the day of the shoot. These technologies we used was the camera NX5, Final cut pro editing software, and the internet, Blogger. This storyboard was a key part of our project. This is because if it was not there, our music video would not be as successful as it is, this is because we would not have noticed the mistakes early on and do those mistakes on the day.
Heres an example of our storyboard being edited.

This website 'blogger' has been very useful for our project to show all our different drafts leading up to our final product. It has allowed us to put any ideas we had on mind to put onto this website to show our progress through the project. It has been like a diary of our project to make the whole project more organised and it has also helped us learn more about online media technology. For example, you can post something from another website onto 'Blogger'. For example, Youtube. We did this for our storyboard, are actual music video and for our directors comentry. We also used other media technology other than the internet. We used the mobile phone to take pictures of things we drew as drafts and uploaded it from the Iphone onto our Blogs. This technique was very quick which allowed us to get on with other things sooner. For an example of when we used this technique was when we were coming up with ideas of what we wanted our poster to look like,we drew out the image and took the picture on our Iphone and uploaded it onto our blogs.

Here is the image we uploaded from our iphones:

Here is how it turned out in the real image to show you the progression:

For this we had a more professional photography cameras where we got a photography student to take these images. We used photoshop to contrast this image and turn the colour into black and white. We also got the Best seller sticker from Google and cropped it onto the image on photoshop. Another vital online media technology we used for our project is the internet. Without this, our project would not be as it is today. Google was a massive part of our project to get images from to give examples of what we wanted our band to look like what we wanted our whole poster to like. We used Youtube to actually download our final music video and it also helped a lot with audience feedback. Another internet service we used was social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and Myspace to get a wide range of audience feedback of our music video.

Friday, 10 February 2012

Feedback - Directors Commentary

Excellent and considerate understanding of the technologies used in production of the video for example After effects and FCP.. There are evident links between creative decision making and use of technology on both productions of the video using professional digital cameras (e.g focus pulls) and in the post production editing process – in discussion of continuity. This is sustained and thorough and accurate in discussion of the art deco themes of the MV. The commentary shows a discrete awareness of the use of new media technology and uses discriminating examples really well in terms of graphic design and animation. Excellent command of terminology and well presented.

Covers sound and technology. Exemplifies After Effects well and the use of chromokey as an effect. Excellent commentary, well done.

Monday, 30 January 2012

Task 3

Earlier on this we got a group together and interviewed them about our music video. We got three people together to tell us their honnest opinion about the good points and the bad points of our music video. First we asked them questions about what they thought the narrative was saying. They thought it was all about domestic violence. However they were confused about the way the two actors formed violence on each other. When we told them that we were trying to bring out the message of S&M, they understood where the narrative was going. So that was a mistake we needed to make clearer. The audience also liked the contrast between the narrative and the song. The juxtoposition between the two things going on within the video. When we asked the question of what age group they would think that this video is aimed towards, some of them said 15/16 years old. However there was one person who said 12. So here was a debate with the age ranges. The older generation had a completely different view to the people we interviewed. The people we interviewed were aged around 17, and the older generation think that this video would be inapropriate to show their children because it brings out a disturbing message.

We showed these people the poster and digipack to get feedback on what they thought of both aspects of the creation of the star image. They all said that the digipack was good by relating to the video, however they also said that the two inside lay outs were good, but the outside layouts could have had more work been put on it to make it look more professional. With the poster, they said that it was done really well, but the people in the photograph could have looked more profesional. For example, they could have been more serious, some of them had a smirk on their faces. The audience we interviewed were all female. So we could have got some male views on what they thought of our video, because it would have given us a bigger range of audience feedback. However we kept with interviewing girls, which got us plenty of feedback.

So the oppsional reading would be that these people found the video disturbing and that they may not want to see it again, and they may say that it has a pointless meaning. However, the people we interviewed did find it disturbing but they all said that they would watch it again. And once they understood what the video was about they thought it interesting because they had to figure out the meaning.

So this audience was not a passive audience, they told us what they thought was good and what they thought was not good. So this information helped us what to make better before we would want to release this video.

Friday, 27 January 2012

Feedback for Task 2

I feel that your presentation covers many of the core points but also has absent detail to the arguments that you want to make in particular in relation to the star image and branding in the campaign.  Also you need to dicuss teh cmapign in relation to its marketing mix.  The evaluation should include how successful you think you were and give some indication of product placement.  I was expecting the presentation to be a minimum of 12 slides.  Can you redraft and complete your work by next Wednesday.
Thank you


Can you please blog Evaluation Task 2.

Feedback on Evaluation Task Three Audience Feedback

There is blogged your audience feedback from You Tube.  You still need to post the feedback from your video interviews - check Abigail's blog.  What you need to complete over the weekend is an address of the evaluation question set in task three.  Using the audience feedback what have you learned about your production.  Are there negoatiated or oppositional readings of your MV and campaign?  What would you develop amnd what do you think went well?  Has the audience understaood what you were trying to acieve and communicate with teh star image of your band?  Please complete over the weekend.

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

task 3 feedback

here are some comments from facebook from people who have watched our video.
audience feedback:

So here are some examples of audience feedback we got on Youtube. It shows that a lot of people got the contrast between the song and the narrative. They also saw the disturbing aspect of our video! The feedback also shows that the audience have looked at the band star image and said that they thought the band was realistic. So this feedback shows a good audience perspective of our video.

Questionaires part of task 3


Circle answers

Are you male/female?

How old are you?

What’s your favourite music genre?

What did you think was the concept of our video?

Did you find it disturbing?

Would you want to watch it again? If so where and when?

Would you send it to your friends?

What did you think the band image was?

Is there anything you would change?

Do you like the video? If so what did you like about it?

What did you not like about it?

Do you think the poster and video linked together?

Would you buy the album?

Did you like the digipak design?

What would you get out of watching the video?

Do you feel you relate to the band? If so how and why?

Do they represent you in anyway?

What do this band stand for?

What attitudes to they represent?

Is there a message? If so, what?

What do you think could be improved in any of the products?

Do you think they all seem like they are from the same band? Or there some differences in the image?