For both the digipak and the poster we used Photoshop to make them look advertisable and professional. For the Digipak we chose images of each band members and put them together making the lead singer stand out from the rest of the band. We turned each image into black and white and contrasted each of them. To put them all into one image we cropped them and made them smaller to fit together and to look as if they are standing together in the image. For the back cover of the digipak, we got an image from Google images of hanging feet to represent the narrative of the music video. This is also where we put the text to show the information about the band, who they are signed to, about their background, their producers, etc. For this we contrasted it to stand out more. Because the image was dark we made the text white to make it clear to read. For the front cover, we made many draft to show how we got to the final draft. The front cover we used layering for three different images. We had an image og the pentagram, Leonardo Da Vinci, and the first image we put onto photoshop was the spanning three boarders.
Here is an example of what we put together:
After putting these images together we made the image brighter and then contrasted it. We then added text onto it showing the bands name and the title of the album. We also emphasised on the colouring of the spanning three boarders. the mountains and showed the image of leonardo da vinci as the main focus of attension.
here is the final image:
For the next inside page of the digipak we focused that on the lead singer of having an image of him standing alone in a dark background. For this image we brightened his face to give the image more emotion and to show more focus on him in the image rather than the background. we also contrasted his face to give this effect once again.
Here is an example of what we put together:
After putting these images together we made the image brighter and then contrasted it. We then added text onto it showing the bands name and the title of the album. We also emphasised on the colouring of the spanning three boarders. the mountains and showed the image of leonardo da vinci as the main focus of attension.
here is the final image:
For the next inside page of the digipak we focused that on the lead singer of having an image of him standing alone in a dark background. For this image we brightened his face to give the image more emotion and to show more focus on him in the image rather than the background. we also contrasted his face to give this effect once again.
For the poster we had a range of images to pick from because of our shoot day where we took many pictures of the band together to give us more drafts to show a progression. Once we had picked an image, we turned the image black and white on photoshop and added text to it. We did this by using colour contrast and brightness/contrast to add on more effect towards the mood we are trying to represent. we then got an image off google of a best seller sticker and cropped it on photoshop to fit in the corner of our poster. After we did that we added on text from the text tool on photoshop to show the title of the album, the band name and the date of the release. The reason why we put this image into black and white was because we wanted to represent the dark feeling of the narrative in the music video.